Friday, October 28, 2011

Blog Stage Five: Original editorial or commentary #1

I believe that the Texas government should adopt a new constitution (or significantly revise the 1876 one) for a number of different reasons:
-Too long and disorganized (467 amendments ratified)
-Amendments poorly written
-Limited executive power
-Part-time legislature
-Partisan election of judges
-Restrictions on local government

An example of how the Texas constitution is poorly written and confusing is a clause in a 2005 constitutional amendment that was designed to ban gay marriages, but it also endangers the legal status of all marriages in Texas.
"This state or a political subdivision of this state may not create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to marriage."
The wording of it effectively "eliminates marriage in Texas", including common-law marriages. It's a massive mistake and another amendment may be needed to reverse the problem.

A major step towards fixing the Texas constitution is an amendment authorizing the legislature to meet any time necessary to carry out its duties. The amendment should allow a just compensation for the members of the legislature so that more Texans can afford to serve. A legislator's salary of $7,200 per year, has not changed since 1975, affects who can afford to serve financially. Basically, provide longer legislative terms and better pay. The legislature is the foundation of state government and sets the policies that affect our live and the future of Texas.

Past attempts to revise the Texas constitution failed as a result of:
-the legislature was the constitutional convention
-the two-thirds rule
-right-to-work provision
-lack of political leadership

Why hasn't Texas rewritten/revised the constitution?
-Texan Mentality: If it ain't broke don't fix it.
-Texans have had low participation in special constitutional elections.
-Texans give little thought to changing the constitution because they are not prepared to deal with its complexity.
This mentality needs to change because Texas needs to revise the 1876 constitution into a clearer document.

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